When you hit the “Send” button on your computer, it’s important to remember that anything you send might end up on the front page of your local newspaper. There is NO guarantee of security in any E-Mail message or Text message. What you say could come back to bite you. There is NO confidentiality. There is NO guarantee of privacy.
If a 12-year-old hacker can hack into FaceBook, or if the government’s own computers can be compromised (which they have been HERE and HERE), what makes you think that an E-Mail to your cousin about how much you hate your sister might not get back to her? What makes you think that sending your credit card information to your son on any “unsecured” platform will remain secure? As certain political operatives have learned, it is possible that “Russian” hackers or 12-year-olds could intercept that E-Mail and further compromise your privacy. My server security people tell me that they fight thousands of cyber attacks hourly. According to Bloomberg, the top countries where hacking originates are 1. China, 2. USA, 3. Turkey, and 4. Russia. The Ukraine is in there too, and might explain Russia’s interest in them.
Even if you have the most expensive, most secured fancy server, all it takes is one person in your office (or in an office of someone you send an E-Mail to) to compromise everyone by clicking on an attachment in an infected E-Mail which steals all information from everyone or infects computers with "ransomware". According to my IT dude, this is the number one way that sensitive information is stolen. You can be infected for up to a year or more before you even know you’ve been compromised.
Therefore, when sending an E-Mail or text, you should have it in your head before you hit “Send” that your E-Mail might get circulated to not so friendly public places. Everybody knows someone, from an innocent friend to a powerful corporation, who has been hacked, phished, or otherwise had their online account compromised.
If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. But be aware, even if you say it, with your mouth words in person or on a cellphone, there are recording devices and cameras lurking around everywhere to make you go viral. Remember “Macaca” and “47%”?
I would appreciate input from all the high techies on this site. And, I don’t care about Hillary’s or the DNC’s damn E-Mails. I care about electing Hillary and defeating Trump.