I’m 67. I’ve had alot of run-ins with bullies all my life. In high school I was the tall, smart girl with a big nose. I didn’t get asked to any of my proms. Not exactly the profile of one of Donald’s 10s. A recent article declares that Trump's rhetoric has encouraged school bullies across the US. Anyway, as a woman, Trump makes me throw up in my mouth because he represents to me a compilation of all the bullies I’ve encountered.
#BullyTrump is the kid in grade school that pushed me and called me “big nose Tokyo Rose”. I hit him over the head with a book.
#BullyTrump is the man who first interviewed me for an advertising job right out of college. Even though I was a top student in my class with impeccable recommendations, he refused to hire me because as a woman he was sure that they would invest time and energy in training me only to be wasted because I’d leave to get married and have babies. I showed him. I stayed single until I got married much later at age 61. As far as I know, I have no babies.
#BullyTrump is the boss who belittled me in front of clients and other staff as I was working my ass of to take care of business.
#BullyTrump is the co-worker who always took credit for my ideas.
#BullyTrump is the stranger who accosted me in a parking lot and put his hands up my dress. He’s also the police who didn’t care. I guess I was dressed too provocatively.
#BullyTrump is the business who paid me shit wages because they could and I worked anyway because I cared about the job.
#BullyTrump is the casual dating partner who attempted to rape me, but couldn't perform. Thank goodness. He even had the gall to continue to call me afterwards, obviously thinking that I was enamored with his sexiness.
#BullyTrump is the business partner who praised me in public and belittled me in private.
#BullyTrump is the banker who directed all financial questions to my male business partner even though I was handling the finances and knew all the answers.
#BullyTrump is the Georgia legislator who unsuccessfully tried to pick me up in a bar by telling me he was pro-choice. BTW, he also bragged that nobody in his hometown would ever believe that he drank, as he was chugging down several cocktails. He later spoke out in favor of an anti-abortion bill I opposed.
#BullyTrump is also another Georgia legislator who invited me and a friend on a boating trip in a yacht to “entertain” some of his constituents. We politely declined.
#BullyTrump is Newt Gingrich who was having an affair while impeaching Bill Clinton. I knew about his shenanigans and I tried to alert a WaPo reporter who wasn’t interested.
#BullyTrump is the anti-abortion protester who told me that it might just be my last day on earth.
#BullyTrump is the major corporation who didn’t renew my consulting contract because the new female boss was having an affair with the CEO.
#BullyTrump is the landscaper who took my money for a project, then only showed up once and never completed the job. Of course, he wouldn’t return my phone calls or my money. And, he was a good “Christian” man to boot.
These are just a few off the top of my little ole head.
BTW, The #BullyTrump is recognizable by bad hair and a really really small head.
Tell us about the #BullyTrump in your life.