NOTE: Dr. Hern asked me to cross-post this for him from I'll stick around for the discussion.
When Is an Egg Not an Egg?
By Warren M. Hern, M.D.
Director of the Boulder Abortion Clinic.
Reprinted with author's permission as first published in The Colorado Statesman, July 27, 2007.
An egg is a person. No, an egg is a chicken. A fertilized human egg is a person. An acorn is a tree. A seed is an apple. A set of plans is a house. A blastocyst is a "pre-born baby." An adult human being is a "pre-dead corpse." Up is down. Black is white. War is peace. Facts are not important. Belief is what matters. And people who know the truth will tell you what to believe.
(Plenty more below the fold.)