((Rant Warning))
Dear Senator Franken. Please. Stay. Put.
You are a great Senator and a former Comedian. Delve now into your comedic background and tie the hypocritical Republicans into a giant knot. Stay in office and drive Moore and Trump crazy. Do not agree to leave as long as Moore is being supported by the Republicans. If he gets elected, vow to stay until he is run out of office. Vow to stay until Trump is run out of office. Both of these men have done far worse than you, and the Republicans support them so they can have votes to make abortion illegal, vilify gays, and give tax breaks to the rich. Fuck them. Stay. Put.
Stay. Put. So that we can have a direct voice to call them to task at every turn. Refuse to leave as long as Moore and Trump are setting the standards and the Republican party is supporting them. You acted boorish, but both Moore and Trump have allegedly acted illegally. Apples and oranges.
Don’t listen to the skittish fraidy cat Dems who are calling for your resignation. They are miscalculating their enemies and think that by taking the fucking HIGH ROAD that they will shame the Republicans into taking the HIGH ROAD too. Buy a fucking vowel. That will never happen. The Republicans will laugh in your faces as we sacrifice Franken and they get to continue to embrace Moore and Trump. And trample all over our rights in the meantime.
OK, so you were boorish and childish and groped a bit where you shouldn’t and took some inappropriate pictures WHEN YOU WERE A COMEDIAN. What you did was stupid. But, you have remodeled yourself. You are not that same person. You owned up to what you did and actually apologized. Moore and Trump, on the other hand, have never apologized or owned up to their foibles, some of which might be illegal. Nothing you allegedly did was illegal, just boorish and stupid.
Use your sharp witted tongue to eviscerate every Republican who hypocritically supports Trump and Moore. Tongue-lash them every time they are poised to make the biggest assault against women in history by appointing just ONE more Supreme Court judge. A little pat on the rear will seem like nothing to a woman when compared to the loss of reproductive rights, or civil liberties, or educational opportunities. Stay. Put. And be our voice.
We as Democrats are stupid too if we automatically believe every woman who accuses a man of impropriety. Just as we are stupid if we automatically disbelieve every man who remembers the account of an incident differently. We are playing right into the hands of the Republicans who go for the jugular every single time while we are trying to TAKE THE HIGH GROUND. Fuck the high ground. We would be on the top of pious mountain while they are laughing their asses off about our “high ground” stupidity.
Al. You and only you can put a one-man stanglehold on the abuses that the likes of Moore and Trump want to inflict on women and society and the world. If you are going to go out, go out in a blaze of glory and take Moore and Trump with you. Make life a holy hell for these assholes who have no concept of human decency.
Democrats always try to do the right thing and end up losing power. Republicans always do the wrong things and run all over us. Let’s be smart here. At least let’s have some fun. Trump has turned the government into a CIRCUS. So, use your acting skills to play to the circus.
We all know Republicans are hypocrites and that there are probably dozens more of them holding office who have abused women and society. So Stay Put and have some fun the next few months. Trump has made a mockery of the Presidency. And who best to mock him than a trained professional comedian. What do you have to lose? It can’t get any lower than it is now in terms of decorum and respect. They have turned the whole process of government into a farcical play that degrades everything that we’ve held dear for the past centuries.
Al. You never held yourself up as the moral arbiter of anything. Yet Moore and Trump have both tried to dictate how other people conduct their lives, especially their personal sex lives. Fuck them. You need to be there taking them and their cronies to task every day. Don’t fade out. Stay. Put.
Republicans are making the calculation that they will sacrifice their dignity and morals for votes. Democrats are so stupid that we gladly sacrifice Franken, Conyers, and others for the sake of the fucking HIGH ROAD. This is war. This is an all out assault for the soul of our country. And I want Senator Franken’s hand in there pounding on the table and lashing out at injustice.
Big Fucking Orange Pussy Grabber has been setting a dangerous precedent in this country for over a year now. The bar is low and Senator Franken is still way over the top. Don’t stop now. Vow to stay until Moore and Trump are out.
Stay. Fucking. Put.
((Rant over))