This is no surprise to most progressives, but the "fiscally conservative" Republican Party should take note. Reprinted in its entirety with permission from the Guttmacher Institute:
NATION PAYS STEEP PRICE FOR HIGH RATES OF UNINTENDED PREGNANCYNew State-Level Incidence Estimates Provide First-Ever Benchmark for Evaluating Impact of State Policies
Two new studies taking different methodological approaches arrive at the same conclusion: Unintended pregnancy costs U.S. taxpayers roughly $11 billion each year. Both estimates are conservative in that they are limited to public insurance costs for pregnancy and first-year infant care, and both studies conclude that the potential public savings from reducing unintended pregnancy in the United States would be huge. A related new study provides first-ever estimates of unintended pregnancy for each state, and a starting point for future efforts to monitor states’ progress toward reducing unintended pregnancy.