The outrage just doesn't stop. Speaking to a Catholic Church audience, Florida Mayoral candidate, Mike Hogan (R-Idiot), was trying to up his anti-abortion creds and said according to Mother Jones:
Hogan added that the only thing he wouldn't do was bomb an abortion clinic, then the law-and-order advocate added, with a laugh, "but it may cross my mind."
He made it worse by trying to backtrack:
"Maybe I was thinking it was humorous, but it was not something I should have brought up."
I guess he thought he was in a safe crowd (that applauded his remarks) and could make cute jokes about murder. People still aren't heeding the lessons of Tucson.
Afterwards, in an interview with the Florida Times-Union, he added in a half-hearted explanation:
"If I've got to measure everything I say, I mean, I'm not going to be politically correct," Hogan said. "That was a joke. This was an audience for this. This is a Catholic Church. I guarantee you they are 110 percent pro-life."
You know, this is just more of the same careless ramping up of the rhetoric. To think it would be a cool joke to talk about bombing an abortion clinic is tantamount to Islamic terrorists threatening to blow up targets in the United States. Also, the fact that the audience thought he was just kidding around makes this even more insidious.
Am I just being too sensitive because I've seen 8 abortion doctors killed over the years, including my friend Dr. George Tiller AND hundreds of incidents of bombings, burnings, and other terroristic acts against my colleagues in abortion clinics all over the country?
The floor is yours.